Tuesday, May 4, 2010

[PoemADay] No. 3

Bluebeard [No. 3]

i was not always a laughing girl,

pleased with the sun and sky
and the brown silk of your skin

for i once had it in my head to marry a man
whose secrets were dark and deep
though I did not know it then

he said,
do not look into my closet, girl
and all that is mine will be yours

and i did not

i wore the key to his house on my ringfinger
a wealth of emeralds and diamonds
too heavy for my hand
too heavy for anyone
let alone girls who had tasted laughter

we will not talk of darknesses
or distances that have passed
because they are past
they have no power here

enough that I found the strength to open the door of his closet

where I found a laughing girl
crouched low along the floorboards

i wondered:
how many like us in this closet, girl
weighed down with gems?

who had forsaken the sun and sky
and happiness
for the wealth of emeralds and diamonds

i was not always a laughing girl,

pleased with the sun and sky
and the brown silk of your skin

but i am now


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